Water Heater


Compared with existing electric heaters, energy can be saved up to 45%


Masterpiece made from 40 years of Kiturami craftsmanship

  • Warm air electric water heater equipped with heat pump technology which can save energy up to 45%.
  • World-class water heater technology and refrigerating and air-conditioning technology are well applied together.
  • Stable hot water supply by installing secondary electric heater
  • Auto water-supply to prevent heat-storage tank damage
  • Indirect heating method to prevent corrosion, rusty water, and tank burst
  • Superb insulating effect by adopting insulating urethane foam
공기열 전기온수기.png

Internal Structure

  • 1) Scroll compressor

    Employs a Copeland scroll compressor to minimize vibration and noise

  • 2) Pure copper heat exchanger

    Optimizes heat-exchange ability by adopting pure copper heat exchanger

  • 3) Hydrophile fin heat exchanger

    Improve heat-exchange ability thanks to a hydrophilic coating that quickly drains water generated below the dew point temperature

  • 4) Mycom control

    Equipped with control board to measure and compute environments, water heater is operated on condition of maximum heating ability and minimum energy consumption.

  • 5) Stable indirect heating method

  • 6) Secondary heater

  • 1.png
  • Principle of Operation

    Heat pump water heater is operated based on cannot
    cycle principle. Evaporable refrigerant is exchanged with
    hot air in evaporator.
    In this process, heat is absorbed and evaporated.
    The evaporated heat is inhaled, compressed,
    and changed into high temperature and high pressure
    refrigerant in compressor.
    High pressure refrigerant exchanges heat with water via
    the condenser in heat-storage tank. Finally, refrigerant
    is liquefied and the water absorbs heat.
    Hot water is made through these repeated cyclic process
    of refrigerant.

Kiturami, with a half century of history,
is Korea's No. 1 boiler!

Korea-leading company, Kiturami Boiler has grown up based on customer trust.
Now, we move ahead to the world.

Kiturami Boiler Promotion Movie Clip

  • 2016년 18년 연속 가정용보일러 브랜드파워 1위
  • 2007년 9년 연속 품질 경쟁력 우수기업 수상
  • 2015년 15년 연속 여성소비자가 뽑은 좋은 기업 대상
  • 2007년 KS제품 품질 우수 기업 선정
  • 2016년 9년 연속 국가브랜드 경쟁력지수 1위
  • 2009년 가정용보일러A/S부문 서비스품질 1위
공기열 전기온수기 표준사양표
Type Unit  
Tank Volume 300ℓℓℓ
Heating Material - water
Heatpump Operating outdoor temp 7~43
Temp setting range 15~65
Heatpump heating capacity kW 3.75
Elec. Heater capacity kW 3.0
Electric consumption kW Minimum 2.0 / Maximum 3.0
Dimension(D X H) mm 680 X 1,830
old water inlet connection A 15
Hot water outlet connection A 15
Drain Connection A 15
Electric Supply - 1 phase, 220V x 60Hz
  • *Heatpump Heating and COP test condition : Dry-bulb temp. 20℃, Wet bulb temp. 15℃, Heat storage temp 15℃60℃ / The specification might be changed for product improvement without any notices.
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